How are you getting ready spiritually for Christmas? Christmas is right around the corner. I’m curious how you get ready for Christmas. No, I don’t mean when you do your shopping, or baking, or decorating your …
115 – Christmas Means Everyone Is Worthy of God’s Love
You are worthy of God's love Everyone on this planet is worthy of God's love. That's what Christmas is all about. God loves us so much, we are of such immense value to Him, that He sent Jesus to show us the Way of …
114 – Feeling the Awe of the Shepherds this Christmas
Is it possible for the angels appear to us as they did to the shepherds when Jesus was born? Yes it is! Is it possible for us to feel the same sense of wonder and awe they must have felt when the angel appeared to them …
113 – Spiritual Giving at Christmas
What is your approach to giving at Christmas? Last week I got an email from one of my listeners with a question about giving at Christmas. It inspired this week’s episode. Here it is: “Dear James I listen to you every …
063 – Christmas Is Not Just about Jesus Being Born
There's so much more to Christmas than Jesus's birth I'm not talking about lots of goodies to eat and presents under the Christmas tree. A major part of the Christmas story is how people in the Bible respond to …
062 – Women Make Christmas Happen
If it weren't for women, we wouldn't have Christmas Just think about it. Without Mary, Jesus would not have been born. But it's not just Mary who makes Christmas possible. Think of all the women you know who …
011 – Thank God There Was No Room in the Inn When Jesus Was Born
Episode # 11 Does it sometimes seem unfair there was no room in the inn and Jesus was born is a stable? In this episode I talk about the familiar story of Jesus's birth and just a few ideas to think about this …