If you lived 2,000 years ago, would you be a disciple of Jesus? Imagine if you had lived back in the time and the geographical location where Jesus lived. You went to hear him preach. And you saw the way he treated people …
257 – And God Said: Show Me Who You Are
Have you ever had someone say to you: Show me who you are? You've probably heard the phrase, “When someone shows you who they really are, believe them.” I had a friend who used to say that all the time to remind herself …
256 – The Biblical Cure for Loneliness
Thank goodness, there is a cure for loneliness! Today I'm going to talk about what the Bible says we can do to cure loneliness. This is because a listener requested this topic. If you’ve been listening to The Bible …
255 – The Only Thing that Will Completely Satisfy You
What will actually satisfy you spiritually? Today, we're talking about what will truly satisfy you. Have you noticed that what brings satisfaction changes over time? When I was a kid, on Sundays after church, my dad …
254 – God Already Knows What You Need
Is it really true that God already knows what you need? Have you ever been praying for something that you really, really wanted and you never got it or it never happened? And then, sometime later, you realized that …
253 – What’s the Most Important Thing to Surrender to God?
Is it ever hard for you to surrender to God? Have you ever struggled to trust God in a particular situation because you weren’t willing to give up your own preferences and preconceptions of what the outcome should be? Why …
252 – The Reason You Should not Follow Jesus, and the Reason You Should
Is there ever a reason you should not follow Jesus? Imagine that you lived in Galilee about 2,000 years ago. Some of your neighbors started telling you amazing some things an itinerant preacher was doing. Some of these …