Episode # 10 What can we learn from the angels in the Christmas story? How can we apply what the angels say to Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds to our own lives? In this episode, you'll hear about: What to do …
009 – The Best Way to Get Ready for Christmas
Episode #9 Preparing your heart for Christmas Getting ready for Christmas is not just about baking cookies and shopping. More importantly, what will you do to prepare your heart to receive more of the Christ and …
God Uses Ordinary People to Prepare the Way for Christ’s Coming
It never ceases to amaze me how God works wonders and accomplishes His will in ways that are contrary to the ways of men. For example, if you were planning the most important event of the year for your company or the …
Emmanuel: God with Us
Last year at our Church's Christmas program, my youngest daughter, Laura (then 13) recited a poem she had written especially for the occasion. Then on Christmas morning, much to my delight, she presented me with her …
A Christmas Benediction
Here is my Christmas wish for you. I originally sent this out as a Christmas card years ago. May your Heart Hear the songs of Angels And may the Star of …
What if Mary and Joseph had Facebook?
Unto us a child is born... Isaiah 9:6 When Jesus was born, the news traveled fast, faster than any form of human communication. The shepherds and the Wisemen did not need a person to tell them the good news. God …
Are You Ready for Christmas?
Who's ready for Christmas? How long does it take your family to get ready for Christmas? The shopping, the cooking etc. can really occupy our time and energy for weeks. But how are we preparing our thinking for the …