Welcome to the ongoing adventure of self-discovery
There’s no better time than todayto discover a little more of who you are as a child of God, created in the divine image and likeness.
To offer a little encouragement along the way, I have curated several past episodes of The Bible Speaks to You Podcast that focus on identity and self-discovery.
And if you have any questions or would like to talk about any of the ideas in these episodes, don’t hesitate tocontact me.
I’d love to know what you find the most helpful.
The journey of self-discovery
Finding your identity in Christ
Being Born Again: A One-time Event or an Ongoing Process?
Why Is It So Hard to Put Off the Old Self?
Your Name Is Written in Heaven
Why Is it So Hard to Love Yourself?
Using Your God-given Talents
Are You Grateful God Created You?
Comparing Yourself to Others versus Spiritual Equality
It’s Time to Think about Your Immortality
What Is Your Relationship with Jesus?
Why Did Jesus say, “Be Perfect as Your Father in Heaven Is Perfect”?
You Are the Image and Likeness of God. What the Heck Does that Mean?