What would spiritual rebirth look like in your church? I love the story in the Bible when Nicodemus, a Pharisee, comes to Jesus one night to talk. This is in John, chapter 3. This may seem like just a conversation …
140 – What Keeps Us from Leaving All to Follow Christ?
Leaving all to follow Christ One day Jesus was talking with his disciples about the level of commitment it takes to be one of his followers. He had just had a conversation with a young rich man who was a bit too dependent …
139 – The Healing Power of Blessing Others with Pierre Pradervand
How often do you actually bless the people in your life? And what about loving and blessing your enemies? And why should we bless our enemies anyway, and how do we do it? The power of blessing My guest this week, …
138 – When You Feel Unappreciated
What do you do when you feel unappreciated? Have you ever felt your talents and abilities were underutilized on a project you were working on? People just don’t seem to appreciate how much you have to offer at …
137 – Jesus said do this first: Seek the kingdom
What does it really mean to seek the kingdom of God? Have you ever imagined what it would have been like if you had lived in the time of Jesus and were able to go hear him preach and teach? Would you have been one of his …
136 – Cultivating the Mindset of Christ
How can we cultivate the mindset of Christ? If you’ve been listening to The Bible Speaks to you Podcast for a while, you know that one of the things I like to talk about is imbibing the mindset of Christ. There so many …
135 – Your Past Does NOT Define You
What a relief: Your past does not define you Only God can really define who you are. But haven't you known someone who defines themselves by what has happened to them in the past? I have a friend who, even though …