How do you define success? Too many people today define success by how much money they have, their career, the things they have, their education, and lots of other externals. Tim Winders, a strategic coach, …
161 – You Are Already Complete
Does it ever feel like you are not complete? Today we’re going to talk about our completeness, our wholeness, as children of God, and the fact that this wholeness, this completeness, already exists. We just need to open …
160 – Why Does the Sabbath Still Matter Today?
Have you ever wondered why the Sabbath is still important? Recently I heard from a podcast listener, who is from Africa, and he wondered if I could do an episode about honoring the Sabbath and why that’s important. That’s …
159 – Following Wise Women in the Bible
There are lots of wise women in the Bible in positions of power who speak with authority You've probably noticed, in some church circles these days, and frankly for centuries, there’s a certain attitude that would keep …
158 – Can We Be Modern Day Prophets?
Have you ever thought of yourself as a modern day prophet? Several listeners have asked me recently about how to be a prophet or wondered if it’s possible for us to be prophets like the ones in the Bible. So today …
157 – How to Find Inspiration when You Feel Uninspired
156 – Would You Help the Syrophoenician Woman?
Remember the story about the Syrophoenician woman who asked Jesus to heal her daughter? Have you ever wondered why Jesus was so incredibly inclusive of all types of people is in his ministry, people like the …