Is there any way to find some peace in the midst of all the political turmoil going on? If you’re in the United States listening to this episode the week that it comes out, you know that we are very close to an election, …
263 – Paul Granger: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus as an Ambassador of Christ
What does it mean to be an ambassador of Christ? This week on the podcast, I talk to Paul Granger about what it really means to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and be an ambassador of Christ in you daily life. Paul …
262 – Redeeming and Healing the Past
Healing the past frees you to go forward Have you ever felt that because of things that happened to you in the past, either mistakes you made or things other people did to you, you haven’t been able to live your life the …
261– The Best Motive for Prayer that Heals
Prayer that heals always glorifies God The Bible Speaks to You Podcast is officially five years old. I started it back in the fall of 2019. It has continued to grow and thrive largely because of you, my listeners. This …
260 – What Will Your Spiritual Legacy Be?
Your spiritual legacy will be a blessing to the future Have you ever wondered what impact your life might have on future generations? Will people remember you 100 or 200 years from now or will your life be forgotten by …
259 – Sandra Richter: Deborah, the Judge and Prophetess, Claiming Territory for the Kingdom of God
What can today's Christian church learn from Deborah the Judge and Prophetess? This week I talk with Sandra Richter about Deborah the Judge and Prophetess in the Old Testament and how her story relates to us …
258 – What Does It Really Mean to Be a Disciple of Jesus Christ?
If you lived 2,000 years ago, would you be a disciple of Jesus? Imagine if you had lived back in the time and the geographical location where Jesus lived. You went to hear him preach. And you saw the way he treated people …