What is Jesus' solution for your problems? Over the last several weeks I’ve been talking to lots of people in all kinds of situations from different countries and different backgrounds. And almost everyone I’ve been …
follow Christ
276 – How to Leave Your Nets to Follow Christ
What does it really means to leave your nets to follow Christ? To get an idea, let’s go back to Bible times. Imagine you’re living 2,000 years ago near the Sea of Galilee. You’re a fisher by trade. Today, as every day, …
221 – Stop Comparing Yourself to Others, Just Follow Christ
Just follow Christ in 2024 We’ve got a brand new year in front of us. Welcome 2024. I just love the promise of new possibilities that a new year brings. It’s an opportunity to take stock of who you are and where you are, …
147 – Keep Following Christ Even When Your Church Doesn’t
What do you do when your church isn't following Christ? Recently I’ve met several people who have left their churches because their pastor, the leadership team, or the church as a whole, was not really following Jesus or …
140 – What Keeps Us from Leaving All to Follow Christ?
Leaving all to follow Christ One day Jesus was talking with his disciples about the level of commitment it takes to be one of his followers. He had just had a conversation with a young rich man who was a bit too dependent …
132 – After Easter: Now What?
What happens after Easter? There is so much anticipation leading up to Easter, but what happens after Easter, after all the festivities and celebrations? §§§§§§§§§§ I wrote the text for this blog post/podcast …
070 – Why Is It So Hard to Put Off the Old Self?
Do you have the mindset of Adam or the mindset of Christ? Having the mindset of Adam is like looking at yourself through a wall of glass bricks; it distorts how you see yourself and everyone else. Paul talks about …