Think, Pray, Love like Jesus
If you’re here, it’s because you heard Laura Padget interview me on her wonderful podcast, “Livin’ What You’re Given.” Laura is a dear friend and has a heart full of love. Hope you enjoyed our conversation.
Most recently, Laura and I talked about who Jesus is. Last year we talked about how others saw him during his ministry, and in a follow-up episode, how those same opinions are still around today.
Our hope is that you don’t take what any person or church says about who Jesus is, but let God reveal more of who Jesus is to you directly.
In a previous episode, Laura and I talked about how it’s sometimes hard to let go of the perfectionism we can get all tangled up in.
But we should never use the “Nobody’s perfect” attitude, or as Laura likes to say “Pobody’s nerfect,” as an excuse for lack of effort or not striving for excellence.
Even with all the ups and downs of life, the victories and the defeats, it’s important to realize that we are still God’s children. And He loves us unconditionally.
Below are some resources I mentioned on the podcast.
My hope is they will help you experience more of God’s love and discover how precious you are to Him.
If I can be of help to you spiritually, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
James Early
Host of The Bible Speaks to You Podcast