What is your approach to giving at Christmas? Last week I got an email from one of my listeners with a question about giving at Christmas. It inspired this week’s episode. Here it is: “Dear James I listen to you every …
112 – How Jesus Heals Jairus’s Daughter
Have you ever wondered how Jesus healed so many people? Some days, Jesus was a pretty busy fellow. People clamored around him to hear his words of wisdom, to ask for healing, or just to be near him. Wouldn't you have done …
111 – What Was Jesus Thankful for?
Have you ever wondered what Jesus was thankful for? I’ve been thinking about the Thanksgiving holiday, here in the United States, which is in just a couple of days from now. If you’re reading this or listening to the …
110 – When Sarah Called Abraham Lord, Was She Submissive to Him?
Since Sarah called Abraham "lord," should wives always submit to their husbands? Today we’re going to discuss whether women are supposed to be submissive to their husbands. A lot of people believe that’s what …
109 – Why Did Jesus Need to Pray?
Have you ever wondered: "Why did Jesus need to pray?" Recently I came across this verse in Mark 1:35 "Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, …
108 – How to Separate the Wheat from the Tares
It's not your job to separate the wheat from the tares At various times over many years, it has sometimes seemed like my life was a hopeless mix of good and evil forces fighting each other. Sometimes they have been …
107 – What Would Jesus Say to Your Church?
What would Jesus say if he came to your church? Last week in Episode 106, in my conversation with Markus Watson, we talked about the challenges facing churches today and how a church can discover its own unique …